Tuesday 26 August 2014

Facts you probably dont know


  Am sure many of us probably have some historical knowledge up our sleeves but am quite sure you guys haven't read any of these and being the benevolent blogger.[,,,,,,].I decided to share them with you.
 This list looks at 5 facts (weird,great,funny)that are hopefully, unknown to most of us.                    
FACT 1   
Simeon Stylites Stepping Down
  I have read about people Doing sick things in ancient times like tickling as a form of torture, but this guy sure broke the record.
 His name was Saint Simeon Stylites.He was a monk who gained fame in the 5th century for spending 37 years standing on a small platform on top of a tall pillar in Syria. He did it for ascetic(Abstainance from worldly pleasures) reasons and his example was followed in later years by other well known stylite saints.
Unlike nowadays people in those times where willing to forgo many things to prove a point



Swastika, a symbol of auspiciousness in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism

The swastika (卐 or 卍) symbol generally takes the form of a cross with its four legs bent.(mainly associated with Buddhism).
 from ancient times and with the onset of the 20th century the symbol was used to represent goodness or good luck.
 However,a form of the swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi Party of Germany in 1920, who officially used the swastika as the primary symbol of National socialism incorporated into the flag of the Nazi Party, which was made the state flag of Germany during the Nazi era, after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933.Thus, in many Western countries the swastika is stigmatized as being associated with Nazism and related concepts like antisemitism, hatred, violence, death, and murder e.t.c.

 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S33882, Adolf Hitler retouched.jpg
      Yup,that's how bad Hitler messed up the swastika.


   FACT 4
   This particular fact is for all you history enthusiast.
from history we found out that man began to exist from about 200,000 thousand years ago and evidence shows that writing began from about 6,000 years ago,thus making the lost history of man about 97 percent with only 3 percent available 
 Ironically the so called available records constitute a large amount of man's history.


This last fact is quite on the funny/weird side.
According to legal history humans were'nt the only ones found in court trials.from about the 18th up to the early 19th century non-humans specifically animals(like goats,donkeys,pigs e.t.c.) were trialed in courts for offences such as murder.


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